What is Hybrid Picking?

Posted by John Hughes | 2:10 PM

Hybrid picking is yet another advanced guitar technique you can use to develop your style. It involves the use of the pick and fingers at the same time allowing you to play passages that might normally be played using a finger-style approach.

The mechanics of hybrid picking are easy to grasp. You hold your pick as your accustomed to between the thumb and first finger while letting your remaining free fingers dangle over the strings. By using your fingers to pluck notes that are on the higher pitched strings your pick can remain above the lower pitched strings thus creating less movement for licks that have wide string leaps in them.

Some great players like Zakk Wylde have managed to use it in a rather unusual fashion. Instead of only using it for large string leaps he will sometimes employ the technique for striking a note that is on the adjacent string. The reasoning behind this is similar to that of economy picking; to reduce the overall motion of the wrist and pick hand allowing the player to achieve greater speed.

I have always struggled with this technique myself and have never enjoyed its applications in my own playing as much as I have sweep picking and economy picking. If however you feel that this could be the guitar technique that could unlock your guitar playing and your style I suggest you give it a try. It is particularly good for country and bluegrass styles but not limited too. For your listening pleasure here are a few of my favorites that are noted for using hybrid picking in their playing. Jason Becker, Eric Johnson, Jimmy Page, and Billy Gibbons.

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