When looking to buy an electric guitar as a new player there are many things to ask yourself. Questions about how you will know which one is best, where to get that best guitar and how will you afford it. In addition to the guitar, you will need to buy other things that go along with it, one of those things being an amplifier. It is not as easy as walking into a shop and walking out with a guitar. There are many things to consider. Hopefully this list of hints will help you decide on the best electric guitar.

First is the body style. This is all based on personal preference and the genre of music you want to play. If rock is what you want to play, then you should go with a solid body electric. On the other hand, a semi-hollow body is more suited for the sound of smooth jazz. It is all up to you and the type of music you are looking to play. Look at what legends in you intended area of music play and investigate that same style.

Then look at the neck of the guitar. Does the size fit your hand? If you cannot reach some strings or the neck is too thick, you will not be able to play well. You need to find one that is comfortable to play.

You need to make sure the frets are properly aligned. If they are spaced incorrectly, then the guitar will go out of tune as you go up and down the fret bar. This will make it completely useless and you won't be able to play anything. You may need a veteran player to help with this one.

Make sure to check the tuning machine. There are two types of such machines, one is enclosed and the other is open. The open ones will need to be oiled more than the enclosed style, as they are more likely to rust in the open air. Beyond this one is not necessarily better than the other.

A large part of the sound of the electric guitar is the pickups it has. Most guitars come with two pickups but you can get guitars with up to a five position switch, which gives you a variety of pickup combinations to work with. These should be tried out before any guitar is bought.

Lastly, the wood of the guitar is a factor in the sound it will have. First look to see what people in your genre play in order to get a feel for the sound they have. The wood will also change the weight, so both should be considered before you buy anything.

Dave Lang is a professional musician of 12 years and a guitar collector. For free guitar lessons, useful tips on buying guitars and recommended beginner electric guitars, visit http://www.guitarprotege.com