You can spend money on a private instructor and countless hours practicing, but if you are not doing the right things it will take years to accomplish what some players seem to master overnight. The reason for this is not because they have more talent, but either someone revealed to them or they took it upon themselves to master the guitar using a similar, if not same approach as outlined in this lesson. The two methods you are about to read will dramatically increase your knowledge of the guitar. This guitar lesson aims to unlock the secrets of the guitar so you will be able to quickly and effortless learn new things.
The first point in today's guitar lesson is to learn the names of all the notes on the guitar. Many players can tell the names of the open strings and probably up the neck on each string up to about the fifth or seventh fret, but how many can instantly name off all the notes in the higher registrars of the guitar neck. Unless you're one of the few who can I suggest you first get a diagram of the fret board that lists each note and study it intently. Second, sit down with your guitar without the diagram and name off as many of the notes as you can while you play them. This is the most important point because it lays the foundation for the next step.
After you have a good working knowledge of the notes on the fret-board you will find that it is much easier to find new chords and scales. To illustrate this point play some of your favorite scales and chords. Now try to find the same chords and scales in different positions on the fret-board. Being able to quickly and easily learn and identify chord shapes and scale positions will increase your ability to find new and innovative ways to play the guitar.
You now have the secrets to improving your guitar playing ten fold. Do not delay. Find a diagram of the fret-board at your local music store or online that shows the names of all the notes. Drill them into your brain then practice your scales and chords. Move them around to different positions and explore the neck. All to often guitar instructors and beginning players fail to utilize the methods I have shown in this guitar lesson. Don't pass up this opportunity to truly excel as a guitar player.
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